E92 Supercharger HPT file configuration


Configure HPT file to allow SCIAP sensor to function correctly- Configures Linear and Offset- configures Smoothing factor to allow barometer to function- enables DTC’s and Voltage Tests

SKU: e92-supercharger-hpt-file-configuration


This product will configure the tune to allow SCIAP sensor to function correctly

  • Configures Linear and Offset for SCIAP senso
  • Configures Smoothing factor to allow barometer to function
  • Configure SCIAP P0101 Table
  • Configures limit of P1101 test to .97PR
  • Optional IAT2->3  Switch
  • Enables DTC’s and Voltage Tests

This product can include necessary adjustments to correct issues seen with pedal spiking. Adjustments will include by default LT4 values.

  • Throttle Rate Table Adjustment
  • Pedal Progression table adjustment

The XDF file for this product will include

  • SCIAP sensor Linear/Offset
  • Pedal Progression Table
  • Throttle Rate Table
  • Any other requested tables

Disclaimer: Customer must have ability to utilize XDF file.

I am not a remote tuner. I will change these values and provide the XDF File,

Customer is required to repin for SCIAP and IAT sensor.

Sometimes this product does not solve the pedal control issues.

I will try to help, but if it gets to be a tuning issue, I will divert to known remote tuners.

The value here is the SCIAP Smoothing factor  the SCIAP P0101 table and the Throttle Rate table

HP Tuner Support will add the SCIAP Linear and Offset (if requested)

VCM suite already has the DTC’s and Voltage Test switches needed