XDF Files and VCM Suite

For allowing customers to modify tables that are not natively in VCM Suite, I provide XDF files. XDF files are a collection of parameters that define switches, scalars, and/or tables. VCM can then load these definitions from the XDF file and provide the capability to adjust them. These files are written using ‘TunerPro’ This tool is the bases of how i provide this capability to customers.

The XDF files that are provided are ECU OS specific.

This means that purchased XDF files for “Vehicle A” will not work on “Vehicle B” unless they are the exact same ECU OS. This can be confirmed by checking the ‘Calibration Details’.

VCM Suite does not ensure compatibility of the XDF file with the current loaded Calibration File. It is the responsibility of the user of the XDF file to ensure compatibility.

VCM Suite provides protections only to ensure the XDF file only accesses Calibration memory space. This means I can not provide a XDF file to change source code.

Please See documentation from HP Tuners on exact usage of XDF files.

User Defined Parameters Support Page

User Defined Parameters Product Page

I do not provide XDF files for all products. Specifically the Boost controlling calibrations and SCIAP details that i have located. Locating the tables in the calibration files takes work and time and some not too cheap tooling. I will create a write up on how this process works for the more technically inclined.

I will not provide any Emissions defeating Calibration capability. Nor will I provide any Emissions related XDF sources.

I will not provide any VCM Suite Workarounds or license defeating services.

Some of the tables I provide are already in VCM Suite, In these instances i urge customers to request the table via support@hptuners.com. This lowers the work load on me to re-locate the table for every variation of Engine OS and encourages customers to always be on the latest VCM Suite Releases.



